Friday, February 3, 2012

Hungry for more of Him....

As I sit here on my couch this morning reading His Word and listening to worship music I am amazed at how He is so present. I don't know about you all but as I read over the stories of those like Saul (Paul), David, Luke, and many more who were less than perfect,  I am amazed at God!

Looking at how God chose to use those that were less than perfect to minister His Word and His Love brings great hope to my heart. Because I am definitely one of those "less than perfect" people! So many things in my life that God is still sifting and changing but yet He chooses to use me, despite me....What an awesome God. We don't have to be perfect or have it all together to be used of Him. Our goal is to be more like Him in all that we do, but we are human and will never be perfect.

My prayer to Him is MORE!!! More of Him and less of very soul longs for more. I know that there is more for my life, more for my family, more for my friends....He says in His word in John 14:14 "14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." God I am asking for more of you and less of me so that I can be who You have called me to be for Your Honor and Glory!!!

We are believing God for Bigger....but what is our motiviation for Bigger? Is it to give God the honor and the glory or is it for our selfish gain? Are we willing to pay the price for Bigger? In Luke 12:48 it says "48But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." We like the "to whom much is given" part but we kind of skip over the "much will be required" part. We want to be in ministry but we don't see all the turmoil, attacks, hard work, and pain it takes to get to where God can use us...You want Bigger but are you willing to pay the price for it?

Bigger means means going after God like you never have before! You can't have and handle the Bigger God has for you without staying in shape (spiritually) to carry the load. The devil will knock you out if you are not in God's word, if you are not spending time with God, and if you have not put on the full armor of God. Be careful what you ask God for, you may not like the price it comes with.

If you are truly hungry for more of God and for the Bigger He has for you...get ready. Don't take it for granted and just assume you can handle it. Seek Him with all you are! He longs to spend time with you, He loves you SO much!!!  He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for you...His desire is YOU!!! He created you for Himself...Seek Him and you WILL find HIM!!!!

God I pray that as we go after you with all we have that you begin to move in and through us...give us Your Heart and Your Love for those around us. Help us to speak, act, and move only when and what you want us to. God we give You control. Have Your way God!!! In Jesus Name!!!! AMEN!!!!

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